A note from the founders

Hey there,

This is Devi and Jianna, the co-founders at Leafpress. Leafpress started out as a tool that we both needed in our own jobs on ESG teams at Sephora and P&G. Our roles were to reach out to facilities and collect their utility data manually. We were sent bills, spreadsheets, logins - you name it. Dealing with all of that data manually was awful. At the time, we demo'ed many different types of software to try to solve the problem we had - many of them had bells and whistles, but we really needed a platform that could help us collect and extract our utility data, and integrate with our current energy management system.

Leafpress is the company that we wish we knew about in our former ESG roles. Leafpress is leading the market in utility data collection powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Our industry-leading utility data collection software is already helping the biggest real estate companies collect their hardest-to-reach data. We’re built and backed by the best, but beyond that we are most excited to help ESG teams across real estate have the solution that they are waiting for.

⁃ Devi & Jianna, Leafpress co-founders

Devi is a Harvard alum and has experience in carbon accounting at Sephora, Spotify, and P&G. She is also an ESG mentor at Techstars.
Jianna is an MIT alum and has experience building software at Meta, DoorDash, Nvidia, and the MIT School of Architecture and Planning.

Work Smarter,
Not Harder

Leverage Leafpress to automate and streamline your utility data collection and reporting, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.